Niagara Falls School District Announces Re-Opening Plan; Students to Be in School Two Days Per Week

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By: Staff Reporter

The Niagara Falls City School District has announced a “hybrid model” plan for students to return to school this fall. 

According to the school district, this hybrid model would entail half of students going to school on Monday and Tuesday with the other half attending on Thursday and Friday. This would allow the school district to utilize Wednesday and Sunday as sanitation days. Students will be split up by last names.

The other part of this hybrid model will including virtual learning for students at home on the days they are not physically in the building. However, it is not clear how the district will handle online learning for children who do not have access to computers or internet in their home. In the spring, the accommodation was to have printed materials ready for pickup. 


Niagara Falls School Superintendent Mark Laurrie


During the days children are in school, the plan is for their to be some physical education which will take place outside and at 50% capacity. Students will also no longer eat lunch in a cafeteria. Rather, they will eat lunch in their classrooms to reduce exposure concerns. 

Although students will only be in school two days per week, teachers have to report each and every day. 

Superintendent Mark Laurrie has maintained throughout the planning process that face coverings will be mandatory for students and teachers. 

New York State has until August 7th to approve the plan submitted by the Niagara Falls School District.


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