Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center to Offer Suicide Prevention Workshops

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By: Staff Reporter

One American every 11 minutes dies by suicide. Although it’s a leading cause of death, nobody wants to talk about it. Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center is launching a lifesaving initiative that hopes to change that.

The suicide prevention project, called “Know the Signs,” will conduct free informational workshops at sites across Niagara Falls in hopes of reducing the stigma of discussing suicide and teaching an evidence-based method of preventing it.

The project is supported by a federal CARES Act grant administered by the City of Niagara Falls.

“Suicide is preventable and it all begins with a discussion and acknowledgment that this is a real thing happening to real people,” said community health worker Krysta Broeker, a Niagara University graduate who will administer the program and facilitate the sessions.

Suicide can cause a ripple effect throughout an entire community, she added.

While Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center has long been recognized as Niagara County’s largest provider of mental health services, “Know the Signs” seeks to heighten suicide awareness and provide support, education, and resources to help attendees respond effectively when someone may be suicidal.

“Suicide impacts not just those who take their own lives but family members, friends and others who know them or hear about the loss of life,” Broeker said. “Our hope is to have a conversation that saves someone’s life and provide support to people who have been impacted by someone who took their own life.”

To learn more or to schedule a Know the Signs workshop email

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