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Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino.
By: Robert M. Restaino
Mayor of Niagara Falls
“In order to comply with state and federal guidelines regarding Covid-19, the following measures are being implemented:
- Effective today the Niagara Falls Ice Pavilion will be closed until further notice.
- All City Clerk Office services that require an application can be accessed through the City’s website under Online Documents – City Clerk and can be submitted by mail or e-mail with the exception of marriage license. Instructions are provided on this web site.
- We strongly encourage that all traffic and parking fine payments be sent by mail to: Parking Violations Bureau P.O. Box 1586 Niagara Falls, New York 14302. All penalties on tickets issued after March 13, 2020 will be waived.
- Property tax payments may be online through the City’s website or by mail, bed tax payments may be submitted by mail and water bills can be submitted by mail or online at the Niagara Falls Water Board website.
- City employment applications can be accessed online through the City’s web site and can be submitted by mail or e-mail.
- For information on general permits administered by the Code Enforcement Department, please call 286-4450. For Plumbing Inspections call 286-4452 and for Electrical Inspections please call 286-4458. If you need to submit project drawings and/or plans please call 286-4450 for an appointment.
- For Refuse Dump Permits, Television Drop-offs and permits for Parks Shelters please call DPW & Parks at 286-4840. These items will be handled by appointment only so please call the above number prior to visiting the DPW Office.
- If it is necessary to come into any one of the above offices for the items listed we are asking that one person come into the office. If you are accompanied by others, (with the exception of minor children) we would ask that they remain outside of the office.
- Effective today, all City Purchasing Bid Openings will take place in the City Council Chambers.
- The Niagara County Emergency Management Office is supplying the Niagara Falls Police Department with N95 Respirators. Officers will be appropriately fitted on Friday.
- For any questions on Niagara Falls Water Board Services, please go to for information.
- There have been modifications to Niagara Falls City Court Procedures so please refer to Covid-19 Court Press Release
This is a constantly changing situation and we will get new information out as soon as possible.”