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By: Reporter Staff
Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino took to social media on Tuesday, June 16th, 2020, to make a plea to city residents.
“Please avoid using ILLEGAL fireworks,” said Restaino. “Protect yourself from injury and be respectful of your neighborhood.”
Restaino’s comments come after a flurry of complaints to the Niagara Falls Police Department for fireworks going off throughout the city.
Restaino was clear to state that not all devices are illegal.

A graphic used by Mayor Restaino on social media stressing the importance of being safe.
“The use of sparkling devices is legal in NYS,” said Restaino. “These devices are defined as producing a shower of colored sparks with an audible crackling or whistling sound. All other types of fireworks ( such as firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles and spinners) remain ILLEGAL.”
Restaino went on to state that the use of more dangerous fireworks could have dangerous consequences for the individual and community as a whole.
“The use of illegal fireworks in neighborhoods is more than just a nuisance..the noise impacts the lives of some of the most vulnerable in our community especially seniors and small children. Pets are also impacted by this illegal activity. And most important if your not a professional in the field, fireworks are dangerous.”