Niagara Falls Mayor Restaino Says “Presentation of the Executive Budget . . . Will be Delayed”

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Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino.


By: Staff Reporter

The Mayor of Niagara Falls, Robert M. Restaino, released the following statement on social media regarding the 2021 budget:

As I indicated at the City Council meeting on September 15, the presentation of the Executive Budget on October 1 pursuant to the City Charter will be delayed.

As the Council acknowledged and agreed on the above date, this delay is occasioned by several economic factors related to the ongoing pandemic, which has put great strain on all local governments as revenue and state aid cuts are impacting city service decisions.


Niagara Falls City Hall


My administration is working to achieve further collaboration agreements with other governmental agencies and/or levels to help reduce the cost of services where appropriate.

We will update you on additional developments as information becomes available.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.


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