Niagara Falls Mayor Restaino Announces New Department Heads

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By: Staff Reporter

Mayor Robert Restaino announces the hiring of 7 new positions in the City of Niagara Falls.

“The new staff members are welcome additions to the city workforce,” said Mayor Restaino. “They come from very diverse work backgrounds and bring experiences and problem-solving expertise from a variety of sectors. Our administration is also committed to diversity and equal opportunity, and these individuals represent the very best of the applicants interviewed for the respective positions. They will work tirelessly for our residents and will do their best to improve their individual city departments. I again welcome each of them to city government and look forward to their help in moving our city forward.”

This morning, the seven hires gathered for a photo together in the Council Chambers. Positions hired for include the following Departments; Human Resources, Public Works, Code Enforcement, Community Development, and Planning and Economic Development.


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