Niagara Falls Homicide Rate Skyrockets in 2020 as City Experiences Fourteenth Death & It’s Only October

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By: Staff Reporter

The City of Niagara Falls experienced it’s 14th homicide of the year this week. This unprecedented number of homicides in 2020 is the highest number the City has ever experienced in a year; let alone a ten month period (January to October).

According to, the Cataract City has a crime index higher than 92.6% of cities, which is 1.6x higher than the U.S. average.

To put it in perspective, the 14 homicides thus far in 2020 is more than the combined number between 2016 and 2019.

During a press conference on Tuesday, September 29th, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo stated that shootings are up 100% across the NYS. He also added that 86% of the shooting victims are people of color.

“New Yorkers are not wrong, there is a crime problem,” said Cuomo.

The majority of homicides in Niagara Falls this year were shooting-related and the more than half of victims were people of color.

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