A number of Niagara Falls residents lit up social media this week with protests against Gov. Cuomo’s “lodge” which he wants to build next to the Niagara River on Goat Island in the Niagara Falls State Park, damaging the beautiful natural scenery surrounding Niagara Falls. We culled the following critical comments from Facebook, which outnumbered those in favor by at least 10 to 1.
Robert Borgatti: “This is a terrible idea. Just another unnecessary intrusion on the natural environment at the falls and totally contrary to the Olmsted vision that created the natural reserve (now referred to as a “park”). No more commercial enterprises inside the park, which yields little economic benefit to the community.”
Anthony Ross: “Another way for the state to take tourist dollars from the city.”
Lewis Buttery: “NO NO NO !!!!!”
Sam Archie: “Nope on the lodge or hotel on Goat Island.”
Tina Marie Orsi: “No!”
Connie Beccari: “Nooooo!!!!”
Bob Moore: “Definitely no. ‘World class’ tells me it’s going to be expensive, for the wealthy to enjoy. Goat Island became public in 1885. Let’s keep it that way.”
Bill Mohr: “I moved from Niagara Falls in 1975 but return occasionally. NYS does very little to enhance this wonderful site except to collect increasing parking fees. This is definitely not the place to build a lodge or hotel.”
JoAnne Ruppel-Frawley: “I like the idea, just not on Goat Island. Stop paving paradise.”
Barbara Newman Hogan: “Terrible idea… People go there to enjoy the beauty of the falls and nature. It’s too small of an area for a lodge. Would we really want Goat Island to look like Clifton Hill? There are enough other empty buildings and areas that can be developed.”
Nick Gilmer: “We can not let this happen! They have already done enough with goat island and should stop changing things!”
Max Teller: “My guess is some other campaign contributor will get to build on the island. Olmsted is rolling over in his grave right now.”
Nancy Lucewicz Smith: “… residents don’t want nature destroyed for the sake of the “dollar.”
Wendy Ross: “Goat Island needs to stay the way it is… people walk and picnic on Goat Island…..a lodge is NOT what we need.”
Michael Mangano: “No! Just NO!”
Heather McCartney: “Leave it be.”
Robert Basin: “Can’t you just leave one part of that area the way it’s supposed to be?”
Teareado Dye: “Lmfao, is this a joke? They already destroyed the island with all the new renovations they did around Three Sisters.”
Michelene Insalaco: “No!”
Michael Svida: “The “Lodge” Is supposed To accommodate (provide lodging) for state politicians, “lobbyists” And “large” politicial Donators (The Politically Connected)… $$$$$$$$”
Sue Hosmer: “Money hungry $$$$$$”
Patricia Lautz Martin: “NO!!!!!!! Leave it to nature n beauty, Please!”
Margo Dreeszen: “Not a good idea!”