Niagara County SPCA Rescues Abused Puppy

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By: Staff Reporter

Our friends at the Niagara County SPCA released this story about 6-month-old Hemi. His story is not a good one.

Yesterday, on Sunday, November 29th, 2020, Hemi was seized from a home after an anonymous caller stated that two dogs in a backyard looked to be in rough condition. An officer responded and noticed that one dog couldn’t put pressure on its leg.

The other dog, Hemi, was emaciated, dehydrated and could hardly walk. His back leg was swollen and bruised so bad that the officer had to carry him.

He was rushed to Northtowns Emergency and is now in the care of the SPCA.

“It’s heartbreaking to think that Hemi is just a baby and this terrible treatment is all he knows,” wrote the Niagara County SPCA on social media, “but we assure you that his life will be better from here on out. Please pray for Hemi – and his friend – for a speedy recovery.”


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