Niagara County Legislature to Return to Legislative Chamber for August 4 Meeting

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By: Reporter Staff

Niagara County Legislature Chairman Becky Wydysh today announced the that next meeting of the Niagara County Legislature on Tuesday, August 4 would take place in the Legislative Chamber of the Niagara Courthouse at 7 p.m.  The Legislature’s meeting will be preceded by a public hearing on the Niagara County Community College budget at 6:45 p.m.  The Legislature has been meeting virtually since March due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I met with Public Health Director Daniel Stapleton and other county personnel to make sure we could return safely to the courthouse for our next meeting and, with the implementation of several safety protocols, I believe we can do that,” said Wydysh.  “While we had to tweak a few things from the way we normally conduct business, our plan is consistent with open and transparent government.”

Wydysh said the Legislature’s reopening plan includes the following:

  • Everyone attending the Legislature’s meeting will be required to wear a mask. Masks may only be removed when speaking during the meeting;
  • Temperature checks will be conducted upon entry;
  • Seating assignments in the chamber have been reconfigured to ensure safe social distancing;
  • Only legislators and a limited number of county staff will be in the chamber, with most department heads taking part via a conference call to answer any questions;
  • The public is invited to attend, but seating is limited within the public gallery to maintain social distance. Additional seating will be available in the courthouse rotunda;
  • Overall attendance, including legislators, staff and members of the public is limited to 50 people, per state guidelines; and
  • The public comment period regarding items on the legislative agenda will be conducted from a podium repositioned in the gallery. As per usual practice, those wishing to speak must sign up before the beginning of the meeting.  The same applies for the public hearing on the NCCC budget.

“In addition, in continuing our partnership with LCTV, we are also very close to having all the necessary components in place to livestream our meetings for those who would prefer to watch from home,” said Wydysh.  “If that is not in place for the August 4th meeting, then the meeting will be recorded and available on-demand from LCTV and the county’s communication channels the next day. “


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