Niagara County Legislator John Syracuse Announces Bid for Newfane Town Supervisor

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By: Staff Reporter

Niagara County Legislator John Syracuse announced this past week his intent to seek the vacant Newfane Town Supervisor position in November, 2021. His full statement can be found below:

I know that my good friend, Supervisor Tim Horanburg, has been contemplating not seeking re-election as supervisor for some time.  So when he called me to let me know he has decided to retire at the end of his term, I was not totally surprised, but rather filled with immense gratitude for all the work Tim has done in leading our community.

Tim has been a great mentor and partner as we worked together for the betterment of our community.  His inclusive leadership style that brings people together should be a model for all elected officials to follow.  I wish him and his family my very best.

Given Tim’s announcement, I have decided I will attempt to fill his very large shoes and will seek election as Newfane Town Supervisor this November.   There is important work to finish that Tim started, especially in regards to our flooding projects along Lake Ontario and our battle to preserve agriculture land from industrial power projects.  I believe I am uniquely qualified at this time to see these issues through.

This obviously means I will not be seeking re-election to the Niagara County Legislature when my term ends.  I have represented the Somerset-Newfane district for 18 years and it has been my distinct pleasure to serve the people in this role.  Thank you to all of those who have supported me as County Legislator.  I have been both humbled by your past support and emboldened to seek this new challenge.


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