Niagara County Dept. of Health Confirms Niagara Reporter Story; Says Twelve People in Self-Quarantine

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The Niagara Reporter reported earlier tonight that there were at least nine individuals in self-quarantine with suspected cases of the Coronavirus. Since that time, the Niagara Reporter, in contact with county officials, learned that the number was at least eleven.

The Niagara County Department of Health released the following message confirming the Niagara Reporter’s reporting around 8:30 pm. The statement is below:



A Message From Public Health Director Daniel Stapleton: “At this time, Niagara County has zero confirmed cases of COVID-19 and twelve voluntarily quarantined individuals. As a reminder, quarantine separates and restricts the movement of well people, who may have been exposed to a contagious disease, to see if they become sick. We are committed to keeping the public apprised and our communities safe.”

The Department of Health remains confident that Niagara County will have a positive case of the Coronavirus at some point. It was reported by Governor Cuomo that Erie County has three positive cases as of this evening.

We will keep you updated on any developments.


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