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Whether it’s using his government office for campaign activities, directing an independent authority, the MTA, to pay for ski slopes or setting arbitrary wage scales on the private sector, Andrew Cuomo says, believes and acts as though he, and he alone, is the government – a dictator.
Just months before an election, with the stroke of his pen, Andrew Cuomo, plans to restore the voting rights for cop killer Herman Bell and Palm Sunday killer Chris Thomas and calls it ‘justice’. But if the dictator of third world nation threw open it’s prison doors and granted voting rights to the criminals right before a reelection, we all would be appalled.
While I unequivocally believe in second chances, I also believe in the rule of law. Governor Cuomo’s decision to circumvent the legislative process and by executive fiat extend voting rights to over 36,000 parolees, who have yet to fulfill their debt to society is wrong. Desperate to ward off a challenge from Cynthia Nixon, Andrew Cuomo’s unilateral action is an insult to the legislature, the courts, crime victims and the voters of the State of New York.
While some will agree with the policy and others will not, all New Yorkers should be alarmed by a Governor who systematically fails to abide by the limits of his office. New Yorker’s deserve better than a Governor who doesn’t respect them, the rule of law or the institutions that safeguard our democracy. New Yorkers deserve a governor who believes in them and puts their needs ahead of any political agenda.