A Message from Reclaim Niagara Prior to July 28th Rally

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A message from Reclaim Niagara


On July 7th, Reclaim Niagara held it’s first Rally of the summer in Downtown Niagara Falls near the State Park entrance. Throughout the day, we were joined by almost 200 of our fellow residents to protest the State’s exploitation of the resources in our backyard. The event was a HUGE success.

Niagara Falls was once a very prosperous city. But little by little, over the course of generations, the State and its Authorities took all of the profitable resources from our City for itself.

Our world wonder, the Niagara Falls, was taken away and is now a State Park that only the State profits from. The Power Project was once a privately owned entity that paid a huge sum of property taxes to the City. Now, it is a State Authority that pays our City zero property taxes.

The State even took all of our waterfront land. The State has also profited more on the Seneca Niagara Casino money, too, despite the fact that our City provides all of the public safety and infrastructure to the casino, the State takes 75% of the profits.

The list of injustices that Niagara Falls has suffered from the hands of the State goes on and on. And there is not one person or politician to blame. It is just the way things have been done to us for generations. But that does not have to be the end result. It is time that we grab Albany’s attention. We are not asking for more. We are asking the State to take less!

Steve Jobs said, “the ones who see things differently, they’re not fond of rules, they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify and vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things.”

We understand that we have an impossible road ahead. We understand that the State may continue to ignore our efforts and pleas for help. But that will not stop us! That will not deter us! Reclaim Niagara will not go away under the State changes its parasitic relationship with the City of Niagara Falls.

Reclaim Niagara is hosting its second rally on July 28th! We will be assembling across the street from the State Park entrance at the intersection of Prospect and Old Falls Street. The event will begin at 11:00AM and will end at 1:00pm. It is a family friendly event and we encourage you to bring family, friends, children and your pets!

The status quo is no longer an option.






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