Lockport Mayor Michelle Roman Kneels With Demonstrators; Police Kneel As Well

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By: Staff Reporter

The death of George Floyd in Minneapolis has sparked outrage across the United States. Protests have taken place in major cities across the country including New York City, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Louisville, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle, Washington D.C., and etc.

There have also been events held closer to home in Buffalo, Rochester, and Niagara Falls. Lockport residents joined that cause on Monday, June 1st, 2020, and held a demonstration to protest police brutality in the wake of Floyd’s death.

The group met at Lockport City Hall. In all, there were around 150 demonstrators. Lockport Mayor Michelle Roman joined demonstrators on the front line and was in attendance at the protest throughout.



One of the highlights was when all Lockport police officers took a knee and demonstrators lines up to shake their hands. There were also a fair amount of hugs.

Overall, the protest remained peaceful throughout and joined Niagara Falls as setting an example for the nation.


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