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By: Reporter Staff
The Little Bakery, located at 842 19th Street in Niagara Falls, was burglarized overnight. The culprits made away with everything they could carry including supplies, computers, and money.
What they could not carry, they attempted to destroy.
The Little Bakery has been an example for community activism since opening holding numerous food giveaways and other events to benefit Niagara Falls and surrounding areas. In fact, the Little Bakery was planning on having a huge food giveaway this afternoon, June 8th, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm. According to the owners, this food giveaway is still set to happen as planned.
Concerned customers and residents immediately created a Go-Fund-Me page for donations to be made. The link is included here:
The Niagara Reporter will be LIVE at the Little Bakery later this morning to record cleanup efforts and the food giveaway itself.