LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Why Are We Letting the ‘Woke’ Mob Ruin Niagara University

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By: Michael Frank, Niagara University Alumni

As an alumni of Niagara University, I have always been proud of my alma mater. That was until this past week when a liberal teacher at the University, and a small group of students, essentially held the institution hostage by threatening to protest the Niagara County Law Enforcement Graduation if it was not moved off campus.

When I heard this story initially I thought it was a joke. How could a religious institution grounded in the principles of acceptance and inclusion cast aside a group of students who tuition simply because they are training to become police officers?

These young men and women chose Niagara University and the Niagara County Law Enforcement Academy to teach them and guide them on their journey to becoming those who protect us when we need it the most. Does that occur to these left-wing extremists who believe in defunding the police? No it doesn’t, but mark my words when something goes wrong in their life they would be the first ones to call 911.

These individuals decrying the University for housing the Law Academy are by no means in the majority. They likely include some of the same individuals who participated in a recent protest at Whirlpool State Park in the last two weeks where there was a brief chant of, “no justice, no peace, fu** the racist ass police.”

Shame on Niagara University for cowering to these cowards who sit behind their keyboards and create petitions if they don’t like something. All the while young men and women who want to SERVE THEIR COMMUNITY by becoming members of law enforcement are treated with such disrespect.

As someone who has donated thousands of dollars to Niagara University each year, I can assure you they will not receive a penny in the future.

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