In 9/11 Flashback, Moses Parkway over Power Project Blocked from Terrorist Attack

State DOT trucks block the Niagara Scenic (nee Moses) Parkway at the entrance to the Power Project in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.


Deja Vu? Niagara County Sheriff vehicles block off the Parkway as it enters the massive hydropower facility after today’s downtown incident at the Rainbow Bridge.


For over 20 years, state agencies have tolerated an open door to terrorist attack on the Niagara Power Project, also known as the Niagara Scenic Parkway (formerly the Robert Moses Parkway), which provides 24×7 access to the heart of the generation plant that supplies electricity to most of the northeastern United States.

For more information, read some of our previous reporting on the subject:

Did Parkway Removal speech trigger Power Project Terror Drills?

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