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Please join the Niagara Beautification Commission (NBC) on Thursday May 10th at 6pm for an informational session to discuss plans for this once-iconic space. The community is invited to meet NBC reps at the Rose Garden – just off Robins Drive, across from the Hyde Park Ice Pavilion – to hear about what’s happened, what’s planned, and to offer your input and volunteer your time.
“Given the recent successes and ongoing momentum at Hyde Park – with the NF Skate Park, the new playground, and more – the Hyde Park Rose Garden is the next logical step to reclaim Hyde Park as the signature park in the City of Niagara Falls,” said Tom Lowe, Chair of the Niagara Beautification Commission.
The origins of the Rose Garden at Hyde Park can be traced back to at least the early 1930’s and has served as the backdrop for countless weddings and other celebrations. The Niagara Beautification Commission began work in the space during the summer of 2017 and will continue making improvements during this coming summer season.