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By: Reporter Staff
The Little Bakery, located at 842 19th Street in Niagara Falls, was burglarized overnight. The culprits made away with everything they could carry including supplies, computers, and money.
Since opening, The Little Bakery has been an example for community activism holding numerous food giveaways and other events to benefit Niagara Falls and surrounding areas. In fact, the Little Bakery continued to hold a large food giveaway earlier this afternoon from 12:00pm to 4:00pm to benefit members of the Niagara Falls community.
Concerned customers and residents immediately created a Go-Fund-Me page for donations to be made. The link is included here:
Within nine hours, more than $27,000 has been raised for the business through the Go-Fund-Me page in addition to numerous donations made in person.
The food giveaway brought hundreds of Niagara Falls residents to 19th Street for a warm slice of pizza, a refreshing beverage, an assortment of chips and cookies, and French fries which were being made fresh by Dirty Bird Chicken N’ Waffles.
Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino, Acting Sheriff Michael Filicetti, District Attorney, and current Niagara County Court Judge candidate, Caroline Wojtaszek, members of the Peacemakers, and local law enforcement were all present handing out food throughout the afternoon.

Jason Conte and Sheriff Michael Filicetti

District Attorney Caroline Wojtaszek, Jason Conte, and Candidate for District Attorney Brian Seaman.
Numerous customers of The Little Bakery showed up just to voice their support for the owners Jason and Samantha. A lot of the time their support was accompanied by a check or cash donation to assist with repairs to the building which was destroyed during the burglary.
If anything can be learned from today, it is the power of community and the difference The Little Bakery has made in the lives of residents throughout Niagara Falls.