Groom proposes through Artvoice Ad, Prospective Bride Says ‘Yes”

Marriage Proposal copy

Readers of our sister publication, Artvoice, may have noticed in the last edition of Artvoice a full page advertisement which, on behalf of Mr. Gene Dolan, popped the question: “Terry Lynn Fisher Will You Marry Me?”

We are happy to report the bride said “yes.”

Prospective groom Dolan’s plan was simple: He took out the full page ad reserved on the back page cover of Artvoice wherein he announced his intention to marry the comely Miss Terry Lynn Fisher.

Then, as he and his affiance were flying back to hometown, Buffalo, NY. for a family visit, and unbeknownst to Miss Fisher, the ad, which featured a picture of the lovely couple, was being widely distributed throughout the Niagara Frontier.

Upon their arrival, Gene suggested to Terry that they pick up an Artvoice to check the calendar out for local events to find out what to do that evening.

As Terry flipped through the paper, we were informed, she happened to turn to the back page where she was more than pleasantly surprised….

We will leave it to readers’ imagination to consider what the couple felt next as Gene brought out and presented her with beautiful diamond ring.

Congratulations to the future Mr. and Mrs. Dolan.

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