Gordon Stewart III To Step Down as City Chair of the Niagara Falls Democratic Committee

The Niagara Reporter has just learned that Gordon Stewart III will step down as City Chair of the Niagara Falls City Committee over the next week. Mr. Stewart, who has been Chair for more than three years, said that it was a “family decision.” Democrat Suzanne M. Macri, current Niagara County Director to Congressman Brian Higgins and Vice-Chair of the Niagara Falls City Committee, is set to succeed Mr. Stewart as City Chair.


Mr. Stewart is a fireman for the City of Niagara Falls and oversaw the successful re-election campaign of Mayor Paul Dyster in 2016. During the 2017 City Council campaign, however, Mr. Stewart had mixed results as only one of the committee’s two endorsed candidates was re-elected.


“Gordy stepped up to bat and he understands not only the complexity of the political avenues that we all drive down,” said Niagara County Democratic Party Chairman Nicholas Forster. “He was one of the youngest City Chair’s the party has ever had. I have a lot of respect for Gordy and thank him for the enormous amount of time he volunteered on behalf of the democratic party.”


The by-laws dictate that the Vice-Chair move up to be City Chair and then an election be held in September to elect a new one. When asked to opine whether incoming City Chair Susan Macri would seek becoming the permanent chair after an election in September, Chairman Forster said, “I haven’t had that conversation about Sue, but I will shortly. I think she is more than capable of performing as City Chair.”

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