Going on Two Years with the Water Board

Guest View

by Leo Zientara II


I do not know if this is something your paper is interested in covering, but no one at the water board cares so I thought maybe this would help

There is a broken water main under Pierce Ave right near Whirlpool. The leak has been there for about two years. The neighbors have called multiple times and the water board and city hall are well aware of the issue. There are holes on both sides of the street where the water comes up. There is only so much water coming up, however I am sure it is soaking into the dirt under the road. We are talking about thousands of dollars’ worth of water. At this point the end of the concrete slab at the end of 721 pierce is starting to sink into the ground. The holes where the water comes up are about 6 inches deep and into loose gravel. The asphalt around them is caving in. The city cannot even fill the holes be-cause it is constantly under water.



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