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By: Candace Corsaro
Candidate for Niagara Falls City Council
Leadership is what it will take to turn our city a round. Our city has many challenges and opportunities.
The solution to our challenges and opportunities is LEADERSHIP! Our city, now more than ever we needs leaders, no more managers and no more consultants not a control board.
Leadership is what it will take to get our community ready for the future of our families, their families and the next generations to come.
Leadership is not complicated. You are either a leader, or a follower.. I am that leader
In my experience, Leaders, we are not afraid to ask “Why?”
• Leaders solve problems.
• Lead by example.
• Know when to listen and when to follow.
• Work together with others to accomplish the goals.
• Leaders are not afraid to say, “I don’t know, but let me find a way to help you.”
• Leaders have vision! We know what the future looks like.
I believe a great council member needs to ask where our city going into the future and anticipate the needs of our community while also working on the issues of today. I want to keep looking down the tracks to see our city move ahead. As a community, we are ready for the world stage.
As many of you are concerned of the blight throughout our city, I have lived here most of my life and having numerous businesses on Main St. and Pine Ave. To see what we have today is very upsetting with so many vacancies on both Main and Pine that once was a thriving area. One of my goals is to try to help bring back these areas with mom and pop shops, eateries and small business. I can remember when Pine Ave and Main Street were thriving. We need reasons for tourist and local people to come in these areas.
Our Police dept. and Fire dept. are the best of the best in our city. They are the ones who keep us safe and secure. For many years, I have and will continue to stand with them to support them no matter what. Remember it is NOT the population of our city, IT IS THE NEED.
With a family background of union members I totally support our local and city unions, Local 91, Local 22, IBEW 237, Teachers 801, and our Teamsters. We need to stand behind our city workers and our unions to work with them on improvements to our city.
For years, I have worked on numerous budgets from thousands of dollars to millions of dollars let alone being a business owner, I work with figures every single day. Just to mention some of my volunteer work within our community, I have served on Federal Government program Weed and Seed as their President, Main Street Business Assoc., Hyde Park Business Assoc., Niagara Falls Block Club Assoc. Niagara Falls Board of Assessments, Kiwanis International, NY State Governor, many more along with being a business and property owner in our city. Attending many council meetings and speaking out on issues, my knowledge is pretty darn good. I want to share this knowledge with our city to improve our quality of life.
Absolutely we need transparency. We need COMPLETE communication; we need to hold city government accountable for their actions and decisions. By not having transparency in this and past administrations, it has put a burden on residents, the taxpayers and businesses.
Lack of accountability and communication between our city administration and City Council has been absurd. WE need to bond with and include our surrounding communities.
Someone needs to step up that is familiar with our city, understands many of what are needs are and knows Leadership. Not afraid to ask questions and obtain correct answers will improve our quality of life. It will help stabilize our community, improve the housing and neighborhoods, I am not afraid to confront anyone that is not doing their job.
Our public has lost the trust and respect in our city government. It has to be on HONESTY, Commitment to the public to gain our trust back.
Once we accomplish this we will have a city Mayor, administration and council that will work together to make any improvements we desperately need.
Friends, Neighbors –We are ready! In addition, if you would like a meeting within your neighborhood that would be awesome, we are ready, we are excited, and we are reporting for duty!
REMEMBER: Opportunity to Ballot at our primary elections June 25, 2019
For the following parties:
Let us make a difference together and thank you all for the support.