This evening the Falls Department of Planning, in conjunction with state representatives, will hold a public meeting at the Niagara Falls Train Station to provide public scoping for the LWRP, or Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. Residents are invited to drop-in between 5 and 7 p.m. for what is described as an “informal and interactive open house” that will explain the LWRP. There will also be a formal presentation at 5:30 pm.
Over ten years ago this newspaper, the Reporter, first detailed what the LWRP is, and how irrelevant it is for the Falls, since it owns precious little of its own waterfront. From the Power Project and Devils Hole State Park, around the bend through the state’s lucrative Disneyland of Niagara Falls State Park, all the way to the Grand Island Bridge, excepting for a small slice of LaSalle, New York State owns, operates and exploits to the max what rightfully belongs to the city and its residents and taxpayers. You can read our article here.
Like every Niagara Falls politician before him, for generations, Mayor Robert Restaino feigned obliviousness to these facts when he stated the program can “define a vision for lands along the Niagara River, Cayuga Creek, and Gill Creek.”