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Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino.
By: Staff Reporter
The city of Niagara Falls is holding a press event at City Hall on Thursday, August 6th, 2020, at 2:00pm, to discuss the proposal to allocate Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to emergency COVID-19 testing through Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center.
The most recent reports are showing that the city of Niagara Falls has essentially run out of COVID-19 testing kits and the results are taking over 10 days to come back from the lab. The proposal to be discussed will meet the needs for COVID-19 test kit results with a significantly reduced turnaround time, using a more accurate saliva test.
The goal of this proposal is to make tests available and provide appropriate turnaround times for the most vulnerable populations of the city of Niagara Falls.
Mayor Robert Restaino will speak with Memorial Medical Center’s CEO Joseph Ruffolo in regards to the allocation of funds and updated plans for testing.
Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center’s infectious disease specialist, Dr. Rajinder Bajwa, will also speak on how NFMMC has been handling this pandemic.