State and National News

People kayaking on the Allegheny River between Olean and Allegany, NY. Will Mr. Pegula, owner of the Sabres and Bills, soon be dumping "treated" frack wastewater into the river?

Proposal to dump Pegula Frackwater in Allegheny River upstream of NY’s southern tier advances

State and National News January 26, 2018 at 12:42 am

Last July, 2017 the Coudersport (Pennsylvania) Area Municipal Authority (CAMA) board members leased land to an outfit called Epiphany Allegheny LLC. Epiphany plans to build a wastewater treatment plant on the Allegheny River to process wastewater produced as a byproduct of high volume horizontal hydrofracturing (“fracking”). The top customer ofRead More

No surprise here: New taxes, fees Gov. Cuomo’s solution to budget deficit woes

No surprise here: New taxes, fees Gov. Cuomo’s solution to budget deficit woes

State and National News January 18, 2018 at 10:54 pm

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is under scrutiny by lawmakers in Albany, both Republican and Democrat, in the wake of his proposed 2018 budget which was released this past Tuesday. The Governor’s proposed budget, totaling $168 billion dollars, was highlighted by an estimated $4 billion deficit and $586 million inRead More

The 27th Congressional district battleground.

McMurray seeking Dem nod to challenge Collins

State and National News January 18, 2018 at 10:21 pm

Town of Grand Island Supervisor and occasional Niagara Falls Reporter contributor Nate McMurray has announced his candidacy for the 27th Congressional district of New York State, which spans a vast region of Western New York comprising most of Niagara County and points east all the way to Rochester, and wrappingRead More

Bail Reform Tops Governor Cuomo’s 2017 Agenda

Bail Reform Tops Governor Cuomo’s 2017 Agenda

State and National News January 18, 2018 at 10:08 pm

In an op-ed published in the New York Times this week, Governor Cuomo continued a fight for criminal justice system reform by pledging to propose a bill to the State Legislature focusing on bail reform, discovery reform, and changes to how cases are scheduled. Despite the fact that most peopleRead More

Dr. Oz, Susan Dones, Toni Natalie, Rick Ross, Melissa Moore.

Four links to remarkable Dr. Oz investigation of Keith Raniere

News, NXIVM, State and National News November 22, 2017 at 12:13 am

By Frank Parlato Opening of Dr. Oz on NXIVM; 3:54 30 second promo with Toni Natalie: 30 second promo with Susan Dones:   Is This Secret Underground Cult Branding and Starving Women? You’ve seen the headlines about the so-called self-help group Nxvim in Albany, NY – but isRead More

Frank R. Parlato, Jr.

Breaking News Stories on Maid, NXIVM highlights of Publisher’s Accomplishments

State and National News November 20, 2017 at 9:07 pm

If he was your traditional type of newspaperman, having slogged it out in journalism school for years prior to occupying a cubicle at any one of hundreds of humdrum dailies across the country, he probably would have won a Pulitzer Prize or two by now. That’s because Frank Parlato, publisherRead More

Jeremy M. Jacobs, Sr.

Delaware North’s enormous windfall profits from Niagara Falls State Park accrue to Buffalo Billionaire Jeremy Jacobs’ fortune

State and National News November 3, 2017 at 6:50 am

Nearly two decades into their state contract to provide food service and other amenities in the Niagara Falls State Park, we have obtained hard numbers as to how much money the multinational fast food conglomerate Delaware North Companies reaps from their operations in the world famous tourist destination. And toRead More

Hoyt resigns in disgrace

Hoyt resigns in disgrace

State and National News November 3, 2017 at 6:30 am

ESD President no friend to Niagara Falls The resignation this week of Empire State Development Regional President Sam Hoyt resonated with this writer, who has crossed paths with Mr. Hoyt several times over the years, certainly more often than the average Niagara County resident. Overwhelmingly the encounters were negative, predictiveRead More

KEEP IT TO YOURSELVES! The Canadian government is demanding answers regarding recent sewage spills in the Niagara River.

INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT! Canadians demand resolution to Dyster’s sewage pollution problem

State and National News October 27, 2017 at 5:10 am

A rehash of the War of 1812? A violation of the 1909 Canadian-U.S. Boundary Waters Treaty? An international incident? All of the above? The Niagara Falls, Ontario, Council met this week to demand that Niagara Falls, NY, Mayor Paul Dyster and the city Water Board do something to stop overflowsRead More

Water Board member Nick Forster and Gov. Cuomo in a 2013 photo.

Water Board: More pollution of mighty Niagara River inevitable

State and National News October 20, 2017 at 5:20 am

Ever since 2002, when then city councilman and now Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster spearheaded the creation of the Water Board here, it’s been one excuse after another. No water service to your house for months on end? Not our problem, the Water Board said. Sewage backing up in yourRead More

The offensive blackwater discharge into the Niagara River nauseated thousands of tourists on the Maid of the Mist and surrounding parkland.

Raw sewage discharge into Niagara River unacceptable to Tourism Advisory Board

State and National News October 13, 2017 at 5:34 am

  Niagara Falls Tourism Advisory Board Chairman Pat Proctor is mad as hell, and he’s not going to take it anymore. Five times since July, tourists in Niagara Falls have been treated to the spectacle of foul smelling black sludge – untreated sewage – pouring into the river below theRead More

Hillary Clinton campaigns for Andrew Cuomo in 2006. Friends now, but will she run for president again, this time against her lifelong political ally Andrew Cuomo?

Breaking News: Gov. Cuomo rumored not to seek re-election

State and National News October 6, 2017 at 5:52 am

Will concentrate on bid for White House instead In stunning news that is certain to rock the New York State and even national political scenes, the Reporter has it on good information that, should he be subject to a serious primary challenge in 2018, Gov. Andrew Cuomo will decline toRead More

"We have good relationships with a lot of local leaders and the business community," Seneca Nation President Todd Gates told reporters, as council members look on.

Native American commentator likens Dyster’s dependency on casino cash to drug addiction

State and National News September 29, 2017 at 5:40 am

Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, grandmasters of the idiotic Seneca Niagara casino agreement that gifted the tribe with a 20-year extension on their compact deal while forgetting to include any provision for the state or the city to receive any revenue whatsoever, are taking their lumpsRead More

An Open Letter to the New York State Attorney General

An Open Letter to the New York State Attorney General

State and National News September 15, 2017 at 5:59 am

September 15, 2017 Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman Office of the Attorney General The Capitol Albany, NY 12224-0341 Dear AG Schneiderman, We wish to make a formal complaint alleging corruption associated with the Niagara Falls State Park Landscape Improvements plan. A Spring, 2014 offer for bids was put out, requiring contractorsRead More

City gets slap on the wrist for Headline-making Sewage Disaster 

City gets slap on the wrist for Headline-making Sewage Disaster 

State and National News September 15, 2017 at 5:28 am

New York State will fine the Niagara Falls Water Board a measly $50,000 for discharging thousands of gallons of black, fetid and stinking water near the falls during a busy tourist weekend, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. The agency will be required to make changes at its aging wastewater plantRead More

Top Reasons Why You Should VOTE on Tuesday September 12

Top Reasons Why You Should VOTE on Tuesday September 12

State and National News September 7, 2017 at 12:23 pm

By Randy Palladino √ Voting is a way to speak your mind and let your voice be heard! When we vote, we are actually telling elected officials and lawmakers how we feel about education, public safety, social security, health care, and other important issues. It was through elections that we voted inRead More

(Above: Prospect Point, paved with Champlain Stone’s substandard granite.)

Bid Rigging at Niagara Falls State Park; Granite Gate exposed

News, Niagara Falls, State and National News September 2, 2017 at 5:14 pm

Bid Rigging at Niagara Falls State Park Will Granite Gate be ignored? [see our earlier story for more info on how to blow $50 million paving over a state park] By Frank Parlato A case of apparent bid rigging at the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and HistoricRead More

Learn about your government, it’s fun: Gov. Cuomo blew through $50 million at Niagara Falls State Park – mostly on pavers

Learn about your government, it’s fun: Gov. Cuomo blew through $50 million at Niagara Falls State Park – mostly on pavers

Niagara Falls, State and National News September 2, 2017 at 3:28 pm

By Frank Parlato Ever wonder why the Niagara Falls State Park looks so bad these days? A horridly overpaved spectacle of bad and ugly pavement?   It occurred thanks to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s $50 million Niagara Falls State Park Landscape Improvements plan. It was an “improvement’ of historic proportions. But giveRead More

Widespread outrage over sewer discharges at the Falls

Widespread outrage over sewer discharges at the Falls

State and National News August 4, 2017 at 4:00 am

Legislature to consider criminal investigations By Matt Ricchiazzi The New York Post told readers “don’t go chasing this waterfall,” before describing visitors as “horrified.” The Washington Post described the plume as “an alarming shade of black.” Similar shock was expressed in papers from London to Los Angeles. In response to the widespread outrage andRead More

Email addresses of select Group invited on Niagara Gorge tour

Email addresses of select Group invited on Niagara Gorge tour

State and National News July 27, 2017 at 3:00 am

Here is the complete list of email addresses that were sent notice of the Niagara Gorge site tour by USA Niagara and ESD. Not a single one of these entities or organization is based in Niagara Falls or Niagara County. Also note that there are no preservation or nature groupsRead More

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