Niagara Falls

New Automated Parking System on Goat Island Stiffs Senior Citizens

New Automated Parking System on Goat Island Stiffs Senior Citizens

News, Niagara County, Niagara Falls January 27, 2016 at 9:51 pm

Whether exposing the crooked Glynn Maid of the Mist monopoly, criticizing the Niagara Falls State Park “Landscape Improvements” plan which ruined Three Sisters Islands, sounding the alarm on the Parks Police barracks which was slated for the edge of the scenic Niagara Gorge, rallying the public against the demolition of the 1864Read More

Council meeting “walk on” resolutions come in several sizes and shapes

Council meeting “walk on” resolutions come in several sizes and shapes

News, Niagara Falls January 22, 2016 at 4:04 pm

The Reporter was pleased to see freshman council member Ezra Scott decline to support Mayor Dyster’s attempt to walk on a surprise resolution at the recent council meeting. The resolution aimed to tap the city till for up to $75,000 to support the hosting of a meeting of the GreatRead More

Was City’s sale of Chilton Ave house transparent? Don’t bid on it!

News, Niagara Falls January 21, 2016 at 12:38 am

  There’s a mystery brewing on historic Chilton Avenue and several community activists have expressed interest in getting to the bottom of the puzzle’s particulars at the January 13 Planning Board meeting. The city, under the guidance of Seth Piccirillo, director of Mayor Paul Dyster’s Community Development Department, sold 631Read More

Anello questions the Dyster administration; is he getting stonewalled for his efforts?

Anello questions the Dyster administration; is he getting stonewalled for his efforts?

News, Niagara Falls January 20, 2016 at 1:39 am

Vince Anello is a former Niagara Falls mayor and a current radio talk show host. He is also, by the nature of his time as mayor and councilman, a consummate student of municipal government. And for that reason he has  become persona non grata with the Dyster administration. On hisRead More

Midtown Inn, mecca for prostitutes,  sex offenders, torched by arsonist

Midtown Inn, mecca for prostitutes, sex offenders, torched by arsonist

Niagara Falls January 7, 2016 at 12:57 am

    The Midtown Inn. For many residents on the city’s Southeast side, the ramshackle rooming house held a terror that would rival that of the Bates Motel, featured in Alfred Hitchcock’s classic 1963 tale of terror, “Phycho.” The inn was a target of controversy in 2009 when the New YorkRead More

City Taxpayers Footing Bill for Scores of $100,000 Salaries Here

City Taxpayers Footing Bill for Scores of $100,000 Salaries Here

News, Niagara Falls December 31, 2015 at 11:50 am

  One hundred thousand dollars. It’s a lot of money anywhere, but in a place like Niagara Falls, where money’s tight and jobs are scarce, it can be considered a fortune. In a city where the per capita income for all residents is just $20,327 and the average household scrapesRead More

Tompkins explains position on ending council health insurance and his decision to accept health insurance

Tompkins explains position on ending council health insurance and his decision to accept health insurance

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

By Ken Tompkins During my campaign, I focused on ways in which to reduce the city’s financial footprint and save tax payers’ money. One way was to reduce or eliminate the health care benefits and insurance opt-out payments for part-time elected officials and part-time political appointees (like the civil serviceRead More

Websites ranks Niagara Falls third worst– but that’s their opinion

Websites ranks Niagara Falls third worst– but that’s their opinion

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

These days every other website is doing rankings. And website ranking opinions are like certain anatomical parts – everybody has one or two of them. So this website called Road Snacks decides to rank cities in New York State and using their yardstick – Niagara Falls is the third worstRead More

Grandinetti defends her mayor by targeting “disloyal, disruptive, unproductive” employees for removal

Grandinetti defends her mayor by targeting “disloyal, disruptive, unproductive” employees for removal

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Goodness gracious what was councilwoman Kristen Grandinetti thinking as she put pen to paper, or cursor to screen, to write her Gazette January http://southbuffalonews.com, guest view titled, “The resumes are in”? The column heartily defended Mayor Dyster’s pre-Christmas call for a review of department head resumes. Dyster’s demand for hisRead More

Obama, Cuomo, Dyster join forces  to make transparency more blurry   

Obama, Cuomo, Dyster join forces to make transparency more blurry  

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

  Aside from the fact that they all happen to be Democrats, President Barack Obama, Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Paul Dyster all have another trait in common – The belief that they can punish members of the press and the news organizations they work for by freezing them out,Read More

In Niagara Falls, home of big government  the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

In Niagara Falls, home of big government the rich get richer while the poor get poorer

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

    Bad luck comes in threes, they say, and for residents of Niagara Falls this cliché has been visited with a vengeance. The perennially cash strapped city has both the highest crime rate and the highest taxes per capita of any municipality in New York State, and is runRead More

Train Station and Wallenda – same old, same old

Train Station and Wallenda – same old, same old

Niagara Falls January 1, 1970 at 12:00 am

Train station The Niagara Falls Reporter has been pointing out for the past four years that the train station has yet to find an operating budget. The Reporter also wrote not too long ago that the residents should look for US Sen. Charles Schumer to come to the rescue withRead More

Mayor Paul Dyster sent a letter to department heads and nonunion city employees seeking their resumes. This has led to speculation that the mayor may be choosing to replace some employees not protected by civil service.

Dyster’s Letter to Top City Employees Touches Off Fear And Paranoia For The Holidays

Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster sent a chilling letter to all of his department heads and select appointees this Monday and Tuesday thanking the city employees for their service, and advising them that if they want to potentially keep their jobs, to put it a letter of intent along withRead More

Sal Maglie Stadium playing field.

Sal Maglie Stadium ‘Management’ Up for Bids – Said not to be a ‘cash-cow” like  Ice Pavilion!?!?

  The City of Niagara Falls Division of Purchasing issued a Request for Proposals for a “License to Operate and Manage Sal Maglie Stadium.” The successful proposer will have exclusive rights to sell food, alcohol and other beverages at the 2500 seat capacity stadium located in Hyde Park in theRead More

City’s $435,000 traffic island sculpture  nearly identical to $250,000 sculpture

City’s $435,000 traffic island sculpture nearly identical to $250,000 sculpture

          Who is Jeff Laramore? The obscure Midwestern artist selected by the city to design and install a $435,000 piece of sculpture on a deserted Rainbow Boulevard traffic island, directly in front of long shuttered Hotel Niagara, is hardly a household name. According to his officialRead More

City officials finally willing to accept  Reporter’s advice on casino cash?

City officials finally willing to accept Reporter’s advice on casino cash?

  Over the past eight years, Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster has burned through around $200 million in revenue the city receives as the local share of the slot machine revenue from the Seneca Niagara Casino. And for almost as long, The Niagara Falls Reporter has been calling for aRead More

The City had a fully qualified engineer, Jeffrey Skurka. Mayor Dyster fired him.

We Told You So: Dyster Administration Was Engineered to Fail From the Start

Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster’s city hall now has its very own version of the hit http://southbuffalonews.com988 romantic comedy, Groundhog Day, that starred Bill Murray and Andie McDowell. Just as Bill Murray, in pursuit of Andie McDowell, was condemned to relive Groundhog Day until he could understand the errors ofRead More

Non-transparency of Ice Pavilion raises questions about Sal Maglie RFP

Non-transparency of Ice Pavilion raises questions about Sal Maglie RFP

The Dyster administration is back at it again, trying to find an operator for Sal Maglie Stadium. The mayor’s first pass at landing a manager and promoter for the historic, but dilapidated, sports facility didn’t go so well and the Reporter wrote at length about it last year. At thatRead More

Road rage case leads to loss of  $http://southbuffalonews.com00,000 a year job for NFPD cop

Road rage case leads to loss of $http://southbuffalonews.com00,000 a year job for NFPD cop

  Former Niagara Falls City Police officer James J. Conte, 48, was sentenced by Wheatfield Town Justice Erin P. DeLabio to a six month conditional release on a third-degree assault charge Tuesday. Niagara County District Attorney Michael Violante said by pleading guilty to a crime, even a misdemeanor, Conte wouldRead More

Hard Ball Questions We Would Ask Dyster If He Appeared On Our Talk Show

Hard Ball Questions We Would Ask Dyster If He Appeared On Our Talk Show

Niagara Falls Mayor Paul A. Dyster appeared on the Tom Darro radio show Wednesday December http://southbuffalonews.com6, and while both he and the host spoke for one hour, little was learned as to how the mayor intends to handle the many serious problems confronting the city. Little was learned because littleRead More

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