Niagara County

Heap Of Garbage In Alleyway Behind Lasalle Invites Rats and Fire Bugs

Heap Of Garbage In Alleyway Behind Lasalle Invites Rats and Fire Bugs

Community News, News, Niagara County, Niagara Falls June 30, 2016 at 5:57 pm

Speaking of unsightly- since the new garbage plan where the recycle bins are larger than the refuse bins – people all over the city have sought out alleys and abandoned spots to get rid of the trash the city used to pick up. This unsightly mess is in the alleyRead More

Joe Perry, Johnny Depp and Alice Cooper are the Hollywood Vampires. They’ll be playing at the Seneca Niagara Casino and Resort on Friday, July 9.

The Hollywood Vampires, Cooper, Depp and Perry to Play Seneca Niagara Casino

Niagara County, Niagara Falls June 30, 2016 at 5:54 pm

You take Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry, singer Alice Cooper and actor currently in the middle of an outrageously messy divorce Johnny Depp and you’ve got the Hollywood Vampires, a supergroup that’s been playing so sold out audiences here and in Europe for the past year. They’ll be taking the outdoorRead More

Ortt: No State Funding for Sanctuary Cities

Niagara County March 31, 2016 at 10:37 am

Please see the following statement from State Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I – North To-nawanda) regarding the State Senate’s Budget that seeks to prohibit local governments from adopting laws or policies that impede the enforcement of federal homeland secu-rity laws. “New Yorkers are sick and tired of working hard, playing byRead More

Despite “Geno”…. Final Four Fever Spreads

Niagara County March 31, 2016 at 10:30 am

By Emma Gibbs The drama surrounding the NCAA basketball Final Fours, both Men’s and Women’s, approach what promises to be a frenzied finish. On the Men’s side Oklahoma faces Villanova, while the surprising ‘tainted’’ Orange of Syracuse University meets up with the number one-seeded Tarheels of North Carolina. The Women’sRead More

Candidacies for Niagara County DA’s Race May Presents Curious Contest Between Maziarz- Wojtaszek Allies

Candidacies for Niagara County DA’s Race May Presents Curious Contest Between Maziarz- Wojtaszek Allies

Niagara County March 24, 2016 at 12:02 am

By Emma Gibbs It did not take long after the recent resignation of Niagara County District Attorney Michael Violante to bring out the “wanabees” to become the County’s next top prosecutor. The first to announce, from what could well be a long list of candidates, was North Tonawanda Democrat CarolineRead More

Statement: Ortt Blasts Regents For Licenses To Illegals Proposal

Niagara County March 17, 2016 at 7:06 am

Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I – North Tonawanda) issued the following statement regarding the New York State Board of Regents proposal to issue professional licenses to illegal immigrants. “I’m strongly opposed to the Board of Regents outrageous proposal to grant teaching or medical licenses to illegal immigrants. This shows the completelyRead More

Opposition to Walnut Ave. drug  clinic mounts amid political intrigue

Opposition to Walnut Ave. drug clinic mounts amid political intrigue

Niagara County March 2, 2016 at 11:57 pm

  Resistance is stiffening to a proposed methadone clinic – serving as many as 400 addicts – proposed by the not for profit Northpointe Council in the old school district administration building at Walnut Avenue and Sixth Street. State Rep. John Ceretto, retired City Court judge and state Assembly candidateRead More

Guido payoff to enable Hamister just more tax money squandered   

Guido payoff to enable Hamister just more tax money squandered  

News, Niagara County February 25, 2016 at 1:33 am

  Why was parking lot operator John Guido paid $45,000 in public money last July to vacate the Rainbow Boulevard North property he leased from the city so that Buffalo developer Mark Hamister could begin construction of his proposed hotel? While at least five other hotels have been built inRead More

The seven dead-on repairs for the city’s deadly fiscal sins

News, Niagara County February 17, 2016 at 11:47 pm

There’s two major differences between the seven point finance plan presented in this column and the finance plan recently offered by the council’s Financial Advisory Panel: The Reporter’s plan is both easily understood and easily implemented. No buzzwords. No double talk. Just straight forward remedies for the city’s sick fiscalRead More

Only in NT: Wasted funds on studies that could have benefited NT

Only in NT: Wasted funds on studies that could have benefited NT

Niagara County February 17, 2016 at 8:23 pm

  Reading old newspapers on line ( ) makes for interesting reading. In 1958 and 1959, Mayor John Kopczynski opposed the Holiday Park development because he felt that the financial burdens placed on taxpayers for the Wurlitzer Park development  for infrastructure and long-term maintenance which were then still an openRead More

Morinello Endorsed by Niagara County Independence, Conservative and Republican Party in Assembly Race against Ceretto

Morinello Endorsed by Niagara County Independence, Conservative and Republican Party in Assembly Race against Ceretto

Niagara County February 13, 2016 at 9:24 pm

  The Niagara County Independence Party has endorsed former Niagara Falls City Court Judge, Angelo J. Morinello’s bid for the New York State  Assembly race in the 145th district today. John Ceretto a Democrat holds the seat. Morinello, a Republican also received the Niagara County Republican party and Niagara County Conservative party endorsements.Read More

Niagara Greenway to Fund Sanborn Parking Lot

Niagara Greenway to Fund Sanborn Parking Lot

Niagara County February 11, 2016 at 2:19 am

The dark and disturbing novel “1984” introduced into everyday language such terms as “Big Brother” and “Orwellian” (after the author, George Orwell). In the book, an all-seeing, all-knowing totalitarian government controls its citizens through various bureaucracies such as the Ministry of Truth (in charge of propaganda and censorship), the Ministry of PeaceRead More

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History to repeat itself as falls dewatering recalls 1969 fiasco

News, Niagara County February 11, 2016 at 2:11 am

  “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it,” wrote the great Spanish philosopher George Santayana. He wasn’t talking specifically about Niagara Falls Mayor Paul Dyster, Niagara Tourism and Convention Corp. CEO John Percy or any of the state parks and other officials who have predicted thatRead More

Only in NT: Kudos and musing about NT

Only in NT: Kudos and musing about NT

Niagara County February 11, 2016 at 12:25 am

Kudos to Mayor Arthur Pappas and his wife Linda for continuing the Mayor’s Snowflake Ball begun by Mayor Robert Ortt and his wife Megan to assist nonprofit organizations in NT. This year’s selection to be the recipient of the proceeds, the Nor-Ton Red Jacket Club, is a hidden diamond inRead More

How come these bridges could be built without de-watering?

How come these bridges could be built without de-watering?

Niagara County February 4, 2016 at 1:18 am

According to the many navigators who have been sailing them for the past five centuries, the roughest waters in North America can be found at the confluence of the East River and Long Island Sound in New York City, where the twice daily conflicting tides roil and churn the waters.Read More

Waterless waterfall big draw  for tourists looking for novelty

Waterless waterfall big draw for tourists looking for novelty

Niagara County, State and National News February 4, 2016 at 12:33 am

    Quick. What’s the first word in “Water-fall”? No, it’s not a trick question. If you said “Water” you are correct. And apparently quite a bit smarter than some of the public officials who have commented on the state’s plan to shut down the American and Bridal Veil fallsRead More

Complaints about Goat Island parking mount; Resentment of State Agency builds among local residents

Complaints about Goat Island parking mount; Resentment of State Agency builds among local residents

Niagara County February 3, 2016 at 11:36 pm

It’s the tourist off-season, and that means the restrooms at Devil’s Hole and Whirlpool State Parks are closed, Three Sisters Islands have been gated off and, as we reported to you last week, parking discounts for seniors in the Niagara Falls State Park are not in effect.   Our storyRead More

Only in NT: Historic Preservation benefits select few in NT

Only in NT: Historic Preservation benefits select few in NT

Community News, Niagara County February 3, 2016 at 11:26 pm

In 2005, during the administration of North Tonawanda Mayor David Burgio, the Common Council passed a Historic Preservation Ordinance creating a Historic Preservation Commission. The subsequent Commission hasn’t focused on preserving historical sites with actual historical status but has enabled wealthy carpetbaggers to get tax credits for “historic” buildings. Why isRead More

How has the casino revenue been abused, let us count the ways

How has the casino revenue been abused, let us count the ways

News, Niagara County January 28, 2016 at 12:01 am

What do tree stump removal, police overtime, engineering consultants, penguins, pothole patching and the train station all have in common? They were all supported with casino revenue over recent years. It’s strange, but true, that every one of these things – and a whole lot more – were deemed byRead More

Only in North Tonawanda: Mesothelioma cancer heritage in NT

Only in North Tonawanda: Mesothelioma cancer heritage in NT

Niagara County January 27, 2016 at 10:40 pm

North Tonawanda is nicknamed “The Lumber City” after its most prominent industry of the past. The legacy of the lumber companies is seen in historic mansions built by and owned by some prominent executives of lumber companies. The most prominent legacy of the lumber days however is the environmental one,Read More

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