My Brother is Innocent, I know!
by Walt Kendzia

On the word of a disgruntled drug addict with a history of abusive behavior and multiple arrests, respected pharmacist and businessman Robert Kendzia was arrested. When the trial is complete and the accuser is proven to have committed perjury, one only hopes she will be arrested and local media will devote as much space to proclaiming his innocence as they did reporting his arrest.
For sixty years, my brother, Bob Kendzia, has given dedicated service to the community in which he lives, to his church where many people know him, and to a city that he loves and supports. He helps his neighbors, his friends, his family, and, especially, his customers. He has worked to build his business and his reputation of caring for over 60 years while taking care of his own family.
I have always known Bob to be a kind and generous person. He spent long hours at his store taking care of his customers and trying to fill all their requests.
He takes pride in treating his customers as if they were family. He has always had their best interest at heart. You can always walk into his store and talk to whatever pharmacist is on duty, and talk to them like they were a brother or sister. Do we go to Walmart or Rite Aid and hang out and talk to the pharmacist like a friend? Do the pharmacists from those stores go to church with us, go bowling or golf with us? Do they sit down and play a game of cards with you? I don’t think so. You are lucky if you know the full names of the pharmacists from those stores. Bob could be found any day of the week doing all of those things with his customers.
Can you do those things with a drug addict whose only interest is filling their own needs?
The woman who is accusing my brother went into the pharmacy to get her regular opioid medications.
She was not asked by Bob to take her clothes off!
However, that is what she went to the local police force and told them. Something doesn’t sound right here – does it?? Where does the woman that is trying to ruin Bob’s career get the right to accuse someone of something so unprofessional??
After she made this ludicrous statement to the police, Bob was questioned by them and the DEA, put in leg chains and handcuffs and taken out of his place of business!!!
How could they embarrass him in that manner? He was put into the back seat of a patrol car and taken to jail where he sat in a jail cell, and was not even given an explanation as to why he was there!
On the sole word of a drug addict!
What if another professional person was alleged to have said “I won’t do that until you take your clothes off?” Would the police haul them away without giving them a reason and do the same thing to them as they did to my brother?? What is this country coming to?? He is already being called guilty and crucified by the television stations, the radio and the local newspapers.
Guilty until proven innocent ?? Doesn’t sound right to me or to many others!
He hasn’t had his day or his say in court yet!!
Thanks, Law Enforcement!! You have taken away my brother’s hard earned reputation in the community!! Yet when the truth comes out, it will be a very different story than what has appeared in the media so far.
Walt Kendzia