Beth Parlato on Jacobs’ Alleged Criminal Activity: “Remove Your Name” from Ballot

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By: Reporter Staff

Beth Parlato released a statement on Chris Jacobs who is alleged to have engaged in election and voter fraud.

“I got in this race 11 months ago because we cannot trust career politicians,” said Parlato. “Chris Lee resigned in disgrace. Chris Collins resigned in disgrace and is heading to prison. Now, Chris Jacobs has not even made it to Congress yet, and he is under criminal investigation. The last thing we need is another career politician embarrassing our district and bringing shame to the hardworking, honorable people of NY-27. We deserve better. We need to bring integrity back to this seat. I am calling on Chris to put the people first, to do what is right, and remove his name from both the special election and primary ballots.”

The Erie County District Attorney’s Office is currently investigation the allegations against Jacobs.


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