THE ACTION: Man Jumps Overboard on Maid of the Mist in Niagara Falls

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Photo courtesy of Samar Hamilton, The Action Niagara Falls



Man goes overboard on Maid of the Mist near Horseshoe Falls



On June 28, 2018 at approximately 6:43pm New State Park Police- Niagara Dispatch received a report that an 18-year-old male subject went into the Lower Niagara River near the Horseshoe Falls from a Maid of The Mist Boat during a regularly scheduled tour.

Maid of The Mist crews quickly reacted and were able to pull the subject from the river using their utility vessel.

He was turned over to New York State Park Police Officers.

Initial investigation revealed that this was an intentional act on the part of the 18-year-old subject.

Subject was taken to Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center for mental health evaluation.

Maid of the Mist Corporation is being given credit for their quick response which ultimately saved the man’s life.


Photo courtesy of Samar Hamilton, The Action Niagara Falls

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