Abbondanza Announces Bid for Niagara Falls City Council

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By: Staff Reporter

James Abbondanza (D), a life-long resident of Niagara Falls, stated “Enough is enough already! Our government is here to serve us, the residents, not the other way around. The culture of cronyism and patronizing attitudes from elected leaders in our local government needs to stop. For this City to survive, we need to work together to make sweeping changes in leadership, policy and legislation.” Abbondanza believes a focus on citizen-centric policies, along with a cultural change at City Hall, will help us on to the long path of recovery.

One of Abbondanza’s key platform points is working to improve the quality of life of his fellow residents
by focusing on policy and legislation that will help City residents and address problem areas such as illegal dumping, blight, aging infrastructure, lack of citizen programs and crime. Abbondanza said, “The citizens of Niagara Falls should be the first consideration when our leaders make choices. Unfortunately, the only time our representatives seem to think of us, is when they need more of our hard-earned money to fill in the deficits caused by their mismanagement.”

Other focal points of Abbondanza’s campaign are on creating proactive Governmental transparency, developing future income opportunities and pushing for financial accountability. “Going beyond the usual cursory understanding of the budget as to how costs will benefit our citizens is one of the Council’s primary

jobs that isn’t being completed thoroughly. There is a lot of rubber stamping going on here in Niagara Falls.”

Recently, Abbondanza, President of the Niagara Falls Tourist Home Association ( worked along side a dedicated group of business owners, citizens and government to help block legislation that would have diminished the chance for improvement of our neighborhoods and negatively affected small business owners. “Seeing local small business owners step-up with their own time and money to make beneficial changes in neighborhoods has been one of the more encouraging trends happening in NF lately. Local businesses that are a positive force in NF should be supported by the City and its policies, not actively discouraged and punished.”

A graduate of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) having worked in business, education and government with an emphasis in the Information Technology field for 25 years, Abbondanza brings a wealth of experience and dedication with him. He resides in Niagara Falls, where he is raising his three sons.

Abbondanza has more information about himself and his platform goals at his website


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