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Today, Assemblyman Angelo J. Morinello (R,C,I,Ref-Niagara Falls) announced the New York Conference of Italian American State Legislators is accepting applications for its annual college scholarship contest. The Conference will be awarding four $3,000 scholarships to future and current college students. Two of these will be awarded for academic achievements and two will be awarded for athletic achievements.
“The cost of college is becoming more expensive throughout the country, and I’m willing to do everything I can to help students and reward them for their continued hard work,” said Morinello. “It is a great privilege to award scholarships to our incredible young adults. I commend my colleagues in the New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators for continuing this tradition each year.”
The Assemblyman James D. Conte Memorial Scholarship and the Sen. John J. Marchi Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to students for academic and athletic successes at the Conference’s Legislative Day in June. The awarding of these scholarships will be based on a student’s athletic success, grade-point average, interest in pursuing a higher education, involvement in the local community and individual financial need.
The Conference is a bipartisan organization of New York State Assembly and Senate members who are actively involved in promoting and celebrating the state’s Italian-American community. The Conference’s mission is to elevate and highlight Italian-American contributions to the state of New York and beyond, in all aspects of society, including literature, the arts, architecture and politics.