Victor Eydt makes case for Lewiston Council seat

By Victor Eydt

I am writing this letter to introduce myself. I wish to begin by thanking the publisher for this opportunity. It is important to have a newspaper like the Niagara Falls Reporter available to candidates for public office like myself. I want everyone possible to be informed when they vote.

I am a candidate for the office of Councilman for the Town of Lewiston. I hope I am fairly well known within our town, but as I have found as I have gone door to door, most people are not focused on Town Council races but on their individual lives, families and jobs. So am I.  My job is to help the people in any way, improving their lives through the functions that only government can provide.

I have also found that even though my last name is only 4 letters long, people can’t pronounce it!

My last name rhymes with “right,” and it would be easier to see it as “Eidt,” but that’s it. Anyway, you will find me on the ballot endorsed by the Republican, Conservative, and Independence Parties.

I was born in Lewiston and have lived here my entire life. In my working career, I had several opportunities to live elsewhere, but resisted in spite of sometimes long commutes and other inconveniences. Lewiston is a wonderful place and remarkably, in spite of the many years, the Town and the Village have retained their unique character. I have campaigned all around the town and have often remarked how much has stayed constant. As a councilman, my first intention is to continue to support the Town of Lewiston and consider changes only after careful and public consideration.

I have served the Village of Lewiston for almost 20 years now; on the Planning & Historic Preservation Board, followed by the Chairmanship of that Board for 12 years. I have seen the pressure of development up close. I became a Village Trustee and I am now toward the end of my 2nd 4 year term. Again, the role of government is something I know. I want to bring this institutional knowledge with me as I ask for your vote to allow me to serve the town as your councilman.

I am very committed to the infrastructure of our town. It is easy to take for granted water, sewer, highways, even the Police and Fire Departments, that they are “always there.” Well, they have been and it is a testament to the citizens-legislators who have gone before. While these things are often not “controversial,” they are expensive. And money is always controversial. As a Trustee of the village and as a council candidate; these things are often on my mind. The challenge is how to provide these basic items, retain the character of our town and carefully spend the public money the Town Council is entrusted with.

As a member of a Villager Advisory Committee for 12 years, I want to shout out to the literally hundreds of fellow citizens that serve on the many advisory boards in the town and the village. I encourage those who want to help your local town or village to consider this public service. Believe me, these are important commissions. Elected officials at every level depend heavily on their research and recommendations. Want to contribute and be heard? Join a commission!

Many challenges face Lewiston. The Town Board will have to decide how to handle wind and solar energy projects. How will we be able to protect the land currently devoted to farming? Town government must also determine where it is appropriate to allow residential housing and the type of housing. Recently, the town developed a plan to consolidate water districts. It is a plan that must be implemented over several years and the Town Council must be active in its implementation. On all these issues, I want to hear your opinion. If you would, tell me on my email:

I am running for this office because I love my town. I want us to prosper. I want our businesses to succeed. I want our citizens to be able to find work and to be able to bear a reasonable tax burden. I want our schools to continue to provide the excellent education my children and I obtained here. I want to ensure clean water and air continues to be provided to our people. Speaking of water, I want the town to better use the resource given us with our access to the Niagara River and Lake Ontario. I am currently chairing the Lewiston Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) in cooperation with New York State. We have many assets. As your councilman, I will make sure that we use these assets in a sustainable manner.

As I have for many years, I am available and approachable. Let me hear from you both now as I campaign for this office and hopefully this conversation will continue if I am fortunate enough to be elected.

Thank you.

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