Post Tagged with: "Traci Bax"

Mayor Restaino’s Budget Smokescreen Causes Confusion

Mayor Restaino’s Budget Smokescreen Causes Confusion

Community News, Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, Niagara Falls December 23, 2024 at 12:10 pm

Last Wednesday’s Council Meeting In a surprising turn of events last Wednesday night, the majority of Niagara Falls City Council voted against several of the mayor’s budget line items. Local activists including City Councilman Donta Myles, Arlene Doss, Tanya Barone and others have worked hard to amplify those voices, whichRead More

Plagued by Rats, LaSalle Residents Scoff at Mayor Ratstaino’s Ten Dollar Coupon

Plagued by Rats, LaSalle Residents Scoff at Mayor Ratstaino’s Ten Dollar Coupon

Community News, Ken Cosentino, Local News, Niagara Falls November 23, 2024 at 1:22 pm

Rats! It’s like a scene from a horror movie, except it’s all too real for hundreds of residents living in the LaSalle area where giant hungry rats have invaded homes, cars and trash cans. In September, City of Niagara Falls Mayor Robert Restaino held a public meeting at the LaSalleRead More

Turtle Farce: Misleading People for a Land Grab

Turtle Farce: Misleading People for a Land Grab

“Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!”  Earlier this week, Niagara Falls City Council voted against granting the Turtle building a historic landmark designation. The defeat was devastating to the Buffalo outliers behind the “preservation” movement, led by Carl Skompinski and Bernice Radle. SupportersRead More

Vincent Cauley Challenges Mayor’s Planned Misuse of CDBG Funds for Event Center

Vincent Cauley Challenges Mayor’s Planned Misuse of CDBG Funds for Event Center

Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, News, Niagara Falls, Parcel 0 November 2, 2023 at 4:30 pm

Last night’s city council meeting was further proof that Mayor Restaino’s proposed use of CDBG funds for purchasing Parcel 0 is still on the table. Last night, Councilmember Vincent Cauley attempted to rescind the authority the council granted the Mayor last December to use CDBG funds for the purchase ofRead More

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