Post Tagged with: "Mayoral Election"

Carl Cain is set to become the next mayor of Niagara Falls

Carl Cain: The Smart Choice For Mayor

Elections 2023, Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News October 26, 2023 at 7:25 pm

This article is part of a series highlighting the Black candidates currently running for office in the City of Niagara Falls. This article will specifically focus on mayoral candidate Carl Cain. In this series, we strive to examine the Black candidates and judge them not by the color of theirRead More

Things Keep Getting Worse With Restaino in Office

Things Keep Getting Worse With Restaino in Office

Featured, Ken Cosentino, Local News, News, Niagara Falls October 13, 2023 at 4:57 pm

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. Right about now, the walls are closing in on Bobby. Even if he wins, he loses. Emails and messages have flooded in to the Reporter with tips and stories about Mayor Robert Restaino’s private life. Some are so tawdry and cringeworthy thatRead More

Mayor Restaino’s Disturbing Behavior and Political Pandering

Mayor Restaino’s Disturbing Behavior and Political Pandering

The following was written by investigative journalist Ken Cosentino. MAYOR RESTAINO AND THE SO-CALLED “BLACK VOTE” Mayor Restaino has been handing out “candy,” but it’s not Halloween yet. It’s election season, and that candy is actually grant money. This past week, Mayor Restaino announced that he was awarding $100,000 toRead More

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