Painters Plus Home Decorating Announces 10th Annual Project HOPE Winner

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By: Reporter Staff

Painters Plus Home Decorating announced the winner of the 10th Annual Project HOPE today!

“Today is the day we announce our Project HOPE (helping others paint exteriors) winner,” said owner Jesse Gooch. “This year is especially special to us as it is our 10th year!We can proudly say we have been doing this for a decade and we do not plan to stop in the near future! Every year we choose one lucky winner to have their home painted. I Over the years we have helped cancer patients, the disabled, veterans, and more. Helping the community is a must!”

According to Gooch, picking a winner this year was more difficult than most. But after careful consideration. he believes the pick is perfect.


Owner of Painters Plus Home Decorating, and current Niagara County Legislature member from the 7th District, Jesse Gooch.


“This year our submission came from a couple going through an awful hardship,” said Gooch. “This particular couple is facing the hardship that every American is going through due to this pandemic and monetary setbacks. As most know, treatment for cancer is very expensive, long, extensive and a tiring process. Those diagnosed with cancer have the bravest hearts and souls that help them push through everyday to continue their fight. Unfortunately, this family has fallen on some hardships trying to keep up with the treatments and keep up with everyday work that needs to be done around their home. For over 15 years this family has been struggling with the unfortunate diagnosis of the late stages of cancer. They also faced a devastating loss during this quarantine. This resulted in having to put their home repairs and even themselves on the back burner. Painters Plus is beyond thankful to receive this opportunity to help this family. It is our pleasure to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Kureczka from 118 Zimmerman Street are our winners this year.”

The winners home will be pained in the coming weeks.

“We look forward to making your home look dazzling, and lifting that weight off your shoulders,” said Gooch.


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