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By: Reporter Staff
As of July 1, 2020, the Niagara County SPCA no longer impounds healthy feral cats brought to the shelter and no longer traps healthy feral cats for impoundment. Feral cats are not socialized to people and are therefore not adoptable.
Instead of impoundment, the Niagara County SPCA now promotes Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) for feral cats. Through TNR, feral cats are humanely trapped, vaccinated and spayed/neutered by a veterinarian. Veterinary services can be performed for community cats by appointment at the Niagara County SPCA for a nominal charge of $60 or by appointment at one of several area cat rescue organizations (prices vary).

Pictured is a feral cat who was humanely trapped and brought to the SPCA to receive emergency care after finding itself with a Tupperware lid wrapped around its neck in 2017. The lid was removed, he received medical care and was then returned.
The feral cats will also be ear tipped for identification and returned to their outdoor home.
“When other shelters stopped accepting feral cats, they saw immediate benefits – intake numbers decreased, save rates increased and community support increased. This approach will free up critical staff time and save us money, allowing us to focus more on increasing adoption rates, improving shelter conditions and developing Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) partnerships with cat rescue organizations in the community,” said Tim Brennan, Executive Director.
For more information, visit