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Niagara County Legislature Chairwoman Becky Wydysh and Niagara County Manager Rick Updegrove today announced the following series of closings and service reductions as County Government complies with Governor Cuomo’s mandate to reduce staff reporting to government offices by 50 percent. This mandate will promote social distancing and curtail the spread of COVID-19.
“It is our expectation the closings and changes we are announcing today will be in effect minimally for the next two weeks dependent on further direction from the Governor,” said Wydysh. “However, we will be constantly reviewing our operations and if we recognize a way to respond to an important need in a way that still complies with the Governor’s mandate, we will certainly do so.”
County Manager Rick Updegrove said, “We are attempting to be as complete as possible with the list we are releasing today, but please understand, the situation is constantly evolving. I would recommend those who need to interact with county departments to please call ahead. A complete list of county departments and phone numbers can be found at”
- Congregate Dining sites are close effective Tuesday, March 17th. Any current program participant who wishes to call directly can contact us at 716-438-3030 for more information. We will work with senior housing sites to modify program delivery in order to serve those most in need.
- Wellness Programs: Effective immediately, site directors will begin contacting regular participants to notify them of the cancellations.
- Home Visits: Effective immediately, NCOFA staff will contact those who have appointments scheduled to inform them that appointments will now be via phone whenever possible.
- Home Delivered Meals: This program will continue as usual, but with safety precautions put in place. Contact between delivery personnel and participants will be kept to a six-foot distance. Delivery personnel will contact participants a few minutes before arriving and ask that their door be unlocked if they don’t already have a location where a meal can be set that can be safely accessed by the participant. Delivery personnel and participants will still have a visual contact to ensure the participant is safe.
- Senior Transportation: We will attempt to keep this program in place for as long as we can. It’s a very fluid situation, if there are positive cases identified in Niagara, service may be suspended to protect seniors. Staff will be calling to see if you are still in need of your ride to critical appointments such as dialysis or chemotherapy treatments etc. We encourage you to reschedule non-critical routine appointments for your own protection. Drivers have been provided with surface wipes, hand sanitizer, and information on personnel safety protocols.
Attorney for the Elderly: Our attorney for the elderly will suspend all services except Tuesdays from 1:30 – 3:30 at the Niagara County OFA office at 111 Main St, Lockport. We will practice social distancing and have appropriate safeguards in place during this time to ensure everyone’s safety. If you need legal assistance during this time, we encourage you to contact Gary Billingsley by phone at 716-434-5783 instead of an in person visit. A revised April schedule will be posted on the Niagara County Office for the Aging Facebook page very soon.
Board of Elections
All upcoming Inspector machine/ certification classes scheduled for the Wheatfield Community Center and Cornel Cooperative Extension are cancelled until further notice.
Civil Service
The Civil Service exams scheduled for next Saturday March 28th is postponed. For Civil Service matters please email
County Clerk
The Niagara County Clerk’s office is offering limited services. However, the three DMV locations in Lockport, North Tonawanda and Niagara Falls, as well as Veterans Service Agency, Historian’s Office, Pistol Permit and Passport Offices are closed until further notice. Please call 439-7022 with questions.
District Attorney
The Victim Impact Panel scheduled for April 21st at 7 p.m. at NCCC is cancelled.
Economic Development
The Center for Economic Development is closed. Staff is available via email.
The following meetings have been cancelled:
- Niagara County Economic Development Alliance Meeting Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.
Samuel M. Ferraro Center for Economic Development - Niagara County Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee (CEDS) Meeting Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 10:00 a.m.
Samuel M. Ferraro Center for Economic Development - Niagara County Agribusiness Outreach Forum
Friday, April 3, 2020 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Niagara County Training Center - Niagara County Free Business Workshop Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. City Hall, City of Niagara Falls
- Leaders Encouraging Action & Progress (LEAP) Meeting Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.
Samuel M. Ferraro Center for Economic Development
Employment and Training
-Niagara’s WorkSource1 One Stop Center is closed.
-Spring Career Fair scheduled for March 25 is cancelled.
-Summer Youth Employment applications can be left at front security desk or submitted online.
-The work experience youth program will be temporarily suspended. Participants should await further instructions from Employment and Training staff prior to returning to their respective worksites.
Public Works
Governor Cuomo encourage people today to take walks in the park in an effort to get fresh air. The public is welcome in Niagara County parks, but please recognize restrooms and other amenities are not currently available.
- All project meetings will be conducted via conference call.
- Weights and measures will keep all scheduled truck scale inspections appointments.
Environmental/Solid Waste
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events on April 18 and May 16 are cancelled until further notice.
Health Department
-The Rabies Clinic scheduled for Saturday, March 21 in the Town of Somerset is cancelled.
-The nursing division will be closing all clinics effective immediately. This includes sexual health center, immunization clinic and Tb clinic. They will be closed until April 20th. All evidence based classes will also be cancelled until April 20th.
Human Resources
Staff availability will be limited and reduced, internal and external customers are encouraged to deal with the Human Resources office and communicate via phone and by email.
Mental Health
Any meetings involving external and contract agencies will be offered via WebEx or teleconference. The quarterly Community Services Board Subcommittee meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday March 18th has been postponed. Our Mental Health & Substance Abuse Clinics and Community-Based Services remain open. However, services delivered may be delivered via Telephonic Intervention where appropriate. If you have a scheduled appointment, we will contact you in advance to discuss. If you are a new client interested in receiving services, please contact our office for guidance prior to coming to the program. Crisis Services (285-3515) will remain open 24/7/356 to provide support and services to individuals who are experiencing a mental health or other related crisis.
Risk Management
Social Services
- Please call the Department of Social Services before coming to the office. We may be able to answer your questions or concerns by phone without the need for an office visit. The phone number for the Niagara County Department of Social Services is 278-8400.
- Our staff are currently reaching out to clients that have scheduled eligibility appointments and they will be conducting those interviews by phone.
- Model Approach to Partnerships in Parenting (MAPP) classes canceled until further notice.
- If you need to speak to your assigned Child Welfare or CPS caseworker, please contact them directly before visiting the office.
- For those who regularly make payments in our office, tough we are still accepting cash payments in person, we would strongly encourage you to send them in the mail whenever possible.
Treasurer’s Office
The Treasurer’s Office will be open from 9 am – 2 pm beginning tomorrow through March 27.