Archive for May 16th, 2023

Mayor Proposes Centennial Park ‘Feasibility’ Study a year after his Eminent Domain Suit

Mayor Proposes Centennial Park ‘Feasibility’ Study a year after his Eminent Domain Suit

Local News, News, Niagara Falls, Parcel 0 May 16, 2023 at 6:27 pm

Spend First, Study Later At a “Special Meeting” on Wednesday, May 17, at 5:00 p.m., Niagara Falls Mayor Robert M. Restaino will seek Council approval to spend $140,000 for a feasibility study for Centennial Park, a planned 7000-seat events center and a small adjacent park. According to the mayor, theRead More

State DEC, Toxic Landfill in Cahoots? You be the Judge.

State DEC, Toxic Landfill in Cahoots? You be the Judge.

Niagara County May 16, 2023 at 12:42 pm

Last week, the Niagara Falls Reporter was the first in Western New York to break the story that the Seneca Meadows landfill, located in the bucolic Finger Lakes region of New York State, ships millions of gallons of leachate containing the toxic family of chemicals known as PFASs to theRead More

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