Cataract Surgeons, Dr. Kenneth D. Anthone, Dr. Amar Atwal and Dr. Ephraim Atwal, will provide cataract surgery at “no charge on Friday, October 7, to people of all ages who have no means to pay.
, Dr. Kenneth D. Anthone
The three are part of an annual charitable event called “Mission Cataract Day” where, for one day a year, cataract surgeons throughout the USA offer cataract surgeries to people at no cost to them or to Medicare, Medicaid or private insurance.
The event is organized and promoted by the Eyes On America Foundation.Cataracts are a condition where the normally clear lens of the eye becomes clouded causing blurred and impaired vision. It has been described as looking through a fogged-up window.Cataracts, left untreated, are the leading cause of blindness in the world.
Dr. Amar Atwal
The free cataract surgeries will be performed at the Buffalo Ambulatory Surgery Center, 3095 Harlem Road, Cheektowaga, New York.A veteran of the once a year free cataract surgery program, Dr. Anthone has donated 200 free cataract surgeries to people locally as part of his work with the Eyes On America Foundation.Joining him this year are Dr. Amar Atwal and Dr. Ephraim Atwal of Atwal Eye Care and Buffalo Ambulatory Surgery Center. They will be donating their facility and their services for the surgical procedures for the day.
Dr. Ephraim Atwal,
The surgery is performed by removing the cloudy lens inside the eye and is replaced with an artificial lens (called an intraocular lens, or IOL) which restores clear vision.The Doctors Atwal employ small incision cataract surgery with premium multi-focal lenses, functional, cosmetic lid surgery and glaucoma treatment.
The surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis and does not require an overnight stay in a hospital. To qualify for free surgery, applicants must have poor vision due to cataracts, which are uncorrectable with glasses; the condition interferes with activities of daily living; and the applicant has no Medicare, Medicaid, or third party insurance coverage, and no other means to pay for cataract surgery. Cataract surgery, according to online reports, average about $3,400 per eye.
Those interested in more information about free cataract surgery are asked to call Karen Anthone, R.N. at 716- 529-0670 or toll free 844 309-4015.
Eyes On America began eight years ago and works with many area Lions Clubs in District 20 North.