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St. Mary’s School for the Deaf students participated in unique Kids Heart Challenge



St. Mary’s School for the Deaf students got active and celebrated an important cause during an interactive and adapted assembly on Wednesday. The American Heart Association and St. Mary’s School for the Deaf work  together each year to make whole-body wellness a priority as students participate in Kids Heart Challenge™.
At Wednesday morning’s assembly, students were able to participate in a variety of activities, including jump roping, hopscotch, hurdles and more. St. Mary’s for the Deaf incorporated Adapted Physical Education (APE) into the Kids Heart Challenge to make the event more inclusive and accessible. For students in wheelchairs, for example, they set up a large jump rope where the kids could be pushed through so that they were still able to participate.
One student at St. Mary’s School for the Deaf raised a total of more than $1,200 on her own this year. This is St. Mary’s School for the Deaf’s 14th year celebrating the program, and they look forward to continuing the tradition.
Funds raised by Kids Heart Challenge participants support the American Heart Association’s scientific research and outreach programs, paving the way for technological breakthroughs to improve health outcomes while creating healthier communities.
The over 45-year-old program works to improve whole-body wellness. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans1 , only 20% of kids get enough activity to meet physical activity recommendations. The Kids Heart Challenge is rooted in proven science which has shown that kids who are regularly active have a better chance of a healthy adulthood2. In addition to improved physical health, the benefits of physical activity for children include better grades, school attendance and classroom behavior. Physical activity can also help kids feel better, improve mental health, build self-esteem, and decrease and prevent conditions such as anxiety and depression3
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