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By: Staff Reporter
On Friday, June 27th, 2020, Mayor Robert M. Restaino and Boys & Girls Club announced a collaborative effort to raise money and save youth programs in Niagara Falls. The City and Boys & Girls Club are expected to release additional details in the coming days.
Some of the services are gym access, a basketball camp, a daily breakfast / lunch, summer camp, and more. It is expected for these services to be available downtown as well as in the LaSalle area so that the entire city has access.
Mayor Restaino told the Reporter, “at a time when not only local governments and businesses, but families too are facing the financial difficulties brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is particularly rewarding when partners like Spectrum join in the effort to bring youth programming to families by helping to offset the cost of programs. Our recent partnership with NF Boys & Girls Club to reinstate youth programming has been given a tremendous boost by the generosity of Spectrum.”
The flyer created for the event is included below: