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Precautions in Niagara Falls, #1 for Burglaries in NY


By John Hazel

(Ed. Note: The following is in response to the Reporter article last week announcing that Niagara Falls ranks #1 in  burglaries in New York State.)

Home burglaries occur most often during the day, while the residents are at work and the house is unoccupied. Most burglars do not want a confrontation. They just want to get in, get their loot and get out.

Alarm systems are excellent deterrents. If the alarm is activated, and the police arrive at the scene in time, the burglar will be caught.

When leaving home, there are some simple things a homeowner can do to make the house look occupied. Leave a radio or TV on. A barking dog can make a burglar pass up that house. Keep some lights on. Close the blinds so that nobody can see inside.

Neighbors should challenge any strangers on nearby property or call police. Be alert to vehicles that drive slowly through neighborhoods. They could be burglars looking for opportunities. Get plate numbers and notify police. Car burglaries most often occur when vehicles are unlocked.

Never leave your vehicle running when you run into a store for a brief purchase. Turn off the motor and lock the vehicle. Likewise, always lock the vehicle while it is unattended. Keep garage doors closed and locked and do not leave mowers or other tools out in the open. Lock entrance doors to the home even when you are there. These are common sense suggestions, but many people who do not follow them become victims of burglars.

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