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By: Reporter Staff
The Niagara Reporter is proud to announce that as of Friday, July 4th, 2020, we are home to the largest social media presence of any newspaper publication in Niagara County.
In business since 2000, the Niagara Reporter has strived to speak truth to power and report on issues that other publications might not publish for fear of retribution or retaliation.
We are a locally owned newspaper that reports on issues affecting people in this community every day.
Each month, tens of thousands of readers visit our website [www.niagarafallsreporter.com] with online page views totaling more 200,000 per month and growing. VIsitors are reading stories about Niagara Falls, North Tonawanda, and across Niagara County.
Every day more than 50,000 people are reached on our various social media platforms.
Now, after a hiatus of several months, caused by the pandemic and the consequent shuttering of many of the locations where the Reporter is made available, free of charge, we are back in print.
Many people enjoy reading the print edition and we remain committed to offering news in this format as well as online on our growingly popular website and through our expansive social media presence.
From our entire team at the Niagara Reporter, thank you for placing your trust in us to keep you informed.