Ready To Run for Office?
This year there are numerous public offices up for election.
In Niagara County, all 15 seats in the County Legislature will be decided by voters this year.
There will be elections for supervisor, mayor, alderman and council members, coroner, tax receiver, town justice, judge, and more in various towns, villages and cities of this county.
Each election year, about nine months before the election, the Republican Party looks for good people who are independent, intelligent, and honest, who would like to explore the possibility of running for office under the banner of the Party.
Finding good candidates is not always easy since the best people to fill elected offices are not the ones who want it most. One of the problems with governing people is that those who want to rule are least suited to do it.
The Republican Party County Chairman, Mr. Scott P. Kiedrowski, is now accepting resumes for people who want to express an interest in running for office with the support of the Republican Party.
Scott P. Kiedrowski
1253 Bowen Ct
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Niagara County GOP Chairman Scott Kiedorwski with US Rep. and top Trump adviser Chris Collins.