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By: Reporter Staff
The Niagara County Department of Health issued the following update on positive COVID-19 cases in Niagara County:
“We are very concerned that 8 of the 9 cases today are individuals under the age of 30, and were not directly tied to other positives of which we were previously aware,” said Niagara County Public Health Director Daniel J. Stapleton. “We cannot emphasize enough that young people are susceptible to COVID-19 and must take precautions like social distancing and wearing masks.”
- 9 new positive cases
- Total of 1538 positives to date (isolations + recoveries + deaths)
- 33 active cases (30 isolating at home, 3 in hospital)
- 1406 recovered
- 99 deaths
- 64,458 people tested (source: https://covid19tracker.health.ny.gov/ )
Quarantines, unlike isolations, are for people who are well and not showing symptoms, but may have been exposed to the virus. Right now, 69 people are in quarantine and 1,578 have completed quarantine.
The Niagara County heat map that breaks the positive cases down by municipality can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/ybgzmusw
Data on nursing home fatalities is tracked by New York State. That information can be found here: https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/diseases/covid-19/fatalities_nursing_home_acf.pdf