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Kids Pumpkin Day at Imagine Community Garden

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By: Brendan McDonough

Reporter for North Tonawanda

More than 2 dozen kids gathered at the Imagine Community Gardens on Saturday, October 20th, not to dig in the dirt but to carve pumpkins.

The event was all part of the 1st Annual Kids Pumpkin Day where more than sixty pumpkins were donated for people to carve into any crazy or creative design they choose.

The event was open to both kids and adults. For many, it offered an opportunity to carve a pumpkin that they might not have had otherwise.



“It’s funny because at some of our other gardens we have had children that have never carved a pumpkin before in their life,” said Bob Zima, President of Imagine Community Gardens. “And it’s not only the kids, some parents have never even carved a pumpkin. It’s a really fun event because we bring the kids and parents together. When they start scooping the pumpkins it is just amazing to see the smiles on their faces.”

Decals and patterns were available to help people get that perfect design. There was also free donuts and cider available to anyone who attended the event. Members of Imagine Community Gardens say they plan to hold the event again next year.

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