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By: Brendan McDonough
Reporter for North Tonawanda
While people are outside braving the cold, residents from across North Tonawanda were inside talking about gardening.
Led by Remy Rotella, residents gathered at the North Tonawanda Public Library for a free work shop this past week.
Rotella, who runs the Sample Seed Shop, which is a nationwide online seed company. On Saturday she focused on everything from how to germinate seeds to get your garden growing for next season and much, much more.
She says despite what some people might think it is never too early to start planning for next spring.
“There are seeds that need our winter to grow indoors so that when you take them outside in the spring they thrive,” said Rotella. “This is something to do all winter long that’ll surely keep your gardening passion going. People are very excited about getting ready for next spring’s gardening season.”
More than two dozen people came out to attend the free workshop. For many of the attendees, gardening is not just a hobby but a lifelong passion.
“Gardening does so much for people, when the see something come up from seed, is so exciting, it never gets old. In the spring when they see these things come up, they are going to be so happy. For some people it is like a spiritual thing, almost like a renewal of life. I find a lot of people that love gardening have had a lot of hardships in life and it gives them a real sense of purpose and that feeling that everything will be ok,” said Rotella.
Rotella says she gives gardening speeches all across the United States. For more information on gardening tips you can visit her web site at